GengCerita -> CERITA CERITA -> Ruang Cerita Agama -> Pkataan 'komet halley',DNA,'planet marikh','proton','neutron','hidrogen','helium'dll istilah sains dah ada dalam alQuran
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TOPIC: Pkataan 'komet halley',DNA,'planet marikh','proton','neutron','hidrogen','helium'dll istilah sains dah ada dalam alQuran
KOMET HALLEY DAN 76 TAHUN Salah satu kemajuan yang terunggul dalam bidang astronomi adalah penemuan komet Halley.Saintis abad ke 18 Edmund Halley discovered yg komet ni dapat dilihat penduduk bumi setiap 76 tahun sekali-Bermakna komet ni mengambil masa selama 76 tahun untuk membuat satu pusingan lengkap dalam orbitnya. Perkataan "Halley" (nama komet ni)dipaparkan oleh Allah dalam ayat ke 76 surah al-an'am dalam AlQuran:
"Maka ketika ia berada pada waktu malam yang gelap, ia melihat sebuah bintang (bersinar-sinar), lalu ia berkata: "Inikah Tuhanku?" Kemudian apabila bintang itu terbenam, ia berkata pula: "Aku tidak suka kepada yang terbenam hilang". (AL-AN'AM 76)
Perkataan 'HALLEY' muncul buat kali pertama dalam Quran dalam ayat ini. Apa yg lebih menakjubkan dalam bahasa arab "kawkaban"juga bermakna "bintang"muncul betul2 di sebelah kanan perkataan 'HALLEY'.
76, nombor ayat ini pula merujuk kepada 76 tahun pusingan lengkap komet halley dalam orbitnya.(Allah knows the truth.) .Dalam zaman moden ni komet halley telah disaksikan penduduk bumi pada tahun-tahun 1682,1759,1835,1910 dan kali terakhir dilihat pada 1986 dan dijangka ia akan muncul kembali pada 2061.
DNA DAN BERMULANYA ERA SAINS GENETIK PADA 1865 DNA merupakan bahan perwarisan dalam setiap makhluk hidup.Sains genetik dimulakan oleh saintis Gregor Mendel yang mengkaji tentang sifat genetik pewarisan dalam pokok kacang pada 1865. Tarikh keramat dalam sejarah sains ini merujuk pada surah ke18 (al-kahfi) ayat 65, atau ayat 18:65.
When the appearance of the letters D-N-A (Dal-Nun-Alif in Arabic) side by side in places in the Quran is examined, they appear most frequently in verse 65 of Surat al-Kahf. The letters D-N-A appear side by side three times in this verse, in a most incomparable manner. In no other verse of the Quran do the letters DNA appear consecutively so often.
The number of this exceptional verse in which the term DNA appears so strikingly is 18:65. These numbers are an expression of the date when the science of genetics began. This cannot be regarded as a coincidence. Because only in verse 18:65 of the Quran do the letters DNA appear three times consecutively. This is something miraculous, because the scientific world only came up with the name DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid) comparatively recently.
In Surat al-Kahf, which refers to DNA and the year 1865 when the science of genetics began, DNA is repeated 7 times, as is RNA (the Arabic letters Ra-Nun-Alif). Like DNA, the RNA molecule is a molecule giving rise to genetic structure. For that reason, the appearance of DNA and RNA an equal number of times in this Surat is further proof that these molecules were referred to in the Quran hundreds of years ago. (Allah knows the truth.)
BETING PASIR, DAN PLANET MARIKH The word Ahqaf, one of the Surah of the Quran, literally means sand dunes. In astronomy, one of the first characteristics that come to mind when the planet Mars is mentioned is the giant collections of sand, or giant sand dunes on its surface. These make Mars different to the other planets.
An examination of the sequence of letters in verse 23 of Surat al-Ahqaf shows that the Arabic letters Mim, Alif, Ra and Sin appears side by side to make the word Mars.
The way these letters appear in Surat al-Ahqaf, a word meaning sand dunes, one of the most striking features of the planet Mars, is highly noteworthy. In it addition, it is not just Mars that appears in this Surah, but also its satellite "Deimos." The letters that make up the name of "Deimos," which orbits Mars, appear side by side in verse 30 of Surat al-Ahqaf. These things are all examples of the infinite knowledge and wisdom our Lord, He who is unfettered by time, manifests in the Quran.
Actually all things in this world had been interpret by Al-Quran or in As-Sunnah. The only things, muslimin and muslimah are hard to believe what had been tell and told by this both source. Over here I can conquer few practice in Islam (as Quran instructed) are the best cure and preventive step of handling diseases. (sori ter bahasa english lak....)...nanti den list kan....source kebanyakkan dari University barat
ek eleh...ko nk kaber line aper..??? mjlah tu sumer ko yg bli.... aku tumpang sekatil jer...
aiks....nape...nape...nape ko bagi tau sume orang yang ko suka sangat tumpang katil aku wahai incik rimau nganga...wah tidakkkkkkkk!!!!!!!rupa2nya roh nnek ni lah yang telah menganggu aku saban malam....
aiks....nape...nape...nape ko bagi tau sume orang yang ko suka sangat tumpang katil aku wahai incik rimau nganga...wah tidakkkkkkkk!!!!!!!rupa2nya roh nnek ni lah yang telah menganggu aku saban malam...
laaaaa....ko kan tdo bwah tnah.....kter dah made deal kan rtu..ish...lagi mao bising... ganggu ko ckap???? bkn ko ker yg asyik dok soh aku bg ko mmpi nenek2 cun yg seangkatan dgn aku..?? mmg x knang bdi tol mnusia akhir zman nieh !
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young & beautiful? :)
Bagus ler info tadi tu.... tu la dulu tk nak blajar pandai2??? Thanks biskutmarie
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GengCerita -> CERITA CERITA -> Ruang Cerita Agama -> Pkataan 'komet halley',DNA,'planet marikh','proton','neutron','hidrogen','helium'dll istilah sains dah ada dalam alQuran