Tipah telah putus cinta ngan bf mat salehnya.. pas 2 diapun terus menulis untuk menghilangkan gelisah.....
My motive write this letter is to give know you something. I WANT TO CUT CONNECTION US. I have think about this very cook. I know i clap one hand only.
Correctly, i have see you and she together at town with my eyes self. you always request apology back back. I don't trust you again!!! My Friend speak you play three wood. Now i know you correct correct play three wood. So, i break off to pull my body from this love triangle.
I know this result i pick is very correct, because you love she very high from me. so, i break off to go far from here. But i always love where also i live....Safe live......
eheks..eheks..eheks...sian Tipah..Tipah Tertipu le ni....